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Pictures from Cheryl

Saturday, December 13, 2008

I Hope That I Don't Fall In Love With You
Emiliana Torrini
Well I hope that I don't fall in love with you
'Cause falling in love just makes me blue
Well the music plays and you display your heart for me to see
I had a beer and now I hear you calling out for me
And I hope that I don't fall in love with you
Well the room is crowded, people everywhere
And I wonder, should I offer you a chair?
Well if you sit down with this old clown, take that frown and break it
Before the evening's gone away, I think that we can make it
And I hope that I don't fall in love with you
Well the night does funny things inside a man
These old tom-cat feelings you don't understand
Well I turn around to look at you, you light a cigarette
I wish I had the guts to bum one, but we've never met
And I hope that I don't fall in love with you
I can see that you are lonesome just like me
And it being late you'd like some company
Well I turn around to look at you and you look back at me
The guy you're with he's up and split, the chair next to you's free
And I hope that you don't fall in love with me
Now it's closing time, the music's fading out
Last call for drinks, I'll have another stout
Well I turn around to look at you, you're nowhere to be found
I search the place for your lost face, guess I'll have another round
And I think that I just fell in love with you

overturned @ 9:37 PM

Friday, October 10, 2008

overturned @ 5:19 PM

Tuesday, October 07, 2008

3 gay goose =)

overturned @ 7:51 PM

Friday, August 08, 2008

jokes anyone ?

overturned @ 6:52 PM

Monday, July 21, 2008

my sect comms.peng kang hill.

overturned @ 12:26 AM

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Batallions on alert,
so pack it up and go.
OH!! What a way to start the day ahead.
Here we goooooooo....
As we march through the night,
Mohawk warriors common creepin all around.

overturned @ 1:25 AM

Saturday, May 24, 2008


overturned @ 10:30 PM

Wednesday, May 21, 2008


overturned @ 11:36 PM

Sunday, February 24, 2008

best i ever had
So you sailed away
Into a grey sky morning
Now I'm here to stay
Love can be so boring
Nothing's quite the same now
I just say your name now
But it's not so bad
You're only the best I've ever had
You don't want me back
You're just the best I've ever had
So you stole my world
Now I'm just a phony
Remembering the girl
Leaves me down and lonely
Send it in a letter
Make yourself feel better
But it's not so bad
You're only the best I've ever had
You don't want me back
You're just the best I've ever had
And it may take some time to
Patch me up inside
But I can't take it so I
Run away and hide
And I may find in time that
You were always right
You're always right
So you sailed away
Into a grey sky morning
Now I'm here to stay
Love can be so boring
Nothing's quite the same now
I just say your name now
What was it you wanted
Could it be I'm haunted
But it's not so bad
You're only the best I ever had
I don't want you back
You're just the best I ever had
The best I ever had
The best I ever

overturned @ 9:57 PM

Tuesday, January 01, 2008

"Doubt thou the stars are fire,
doubt that the sun doth move,
doubt truth to be a liar
but never doubt that I love."
W. Shakesphere

overturned @ 2:00 AM

Sunday, December 30, 2007

Plain White T's - Hey There Delilah
Hey there Delilah
What's it like in New York City?
I'm a thousand miles away
But girl tonight you look so pretty
Yes you do
Time Square can't shine as bright as youI
swear it's true
Hey there Delilah
Don't you worry about the distance
I'm right there if you get lonely
Give this song another listen
Close your eyes
Listen to my voice it's my disguise
I'm by your side
Oh it's what you do to me
Oh it's what you do to me
Oh it's what you do to me
Oh it's what you do to me
What you do to me
Hey there Delilah
I know times are getting hard
But just believe me girl
Someday I'll pay the bills with this guitar
We'll have it good
We'll have the life we knew we would
My word is good
Hey there Delila
I've got so much left to say
If every simple song
I wrote to you
Would take your breath away
I'd write it all
Even more in love with me you'd fall
We'd have it all
Oh it's what you do to me
Oh it's what you do to me
Oh it's what you do to me
Oh it's what you do to me
A thousand miles seems pretty far
But they've got planes and trains and cars
I'd walk to you if I had no other way
Our friends would all make fun of us
And we'll just laugh along because we know
That none of them have felt this way
Delilah I can promise you
That by the time we get through
The world will never ever be the same
And you're to blame
Hey there Delilah
You be good and don't you miss me
Two more years and you'll be done with school
And I'll be making history like I do
You know it's all because of you
We can do whatever we want to
Hey there Delilah here's to you
This ones for you
Oh It's what you do to me!
Oh it's what you do to me!
Oh it's what you do to me!
Oh it's what you do to me!
Oh it's what you do to me!
What you do to me.

overturned @ 12:27 PM

Friday, November 16, 2007

A Few Things I Hate

1) to holan and have to make a U-turn.
2) dawn delibrate attacks.
3) 1/3 alert.
4) not allowed to eat the oranges.
5) stand-to
6) sect comm's naggin and bush beating nonsense.
7) needin to carry the section stores.
8) wearing the 732's headphones.
9) see the ninja-bike pass you and not be able to buy anything from him/her.
10) to miss the ka3 la4 ji1.(fried spicy chicken)
11) feel weird when section's not ard.
12) losing my head to the shaggness.
13) to be denied the permission to start a fire to keep warm.
14) to not be able to see anything beyond 2m without torchlight.
15) to live in constant fear that centipedes and snakes might attack.

overturned @ 11:28 PM

Monday, November 12, 2007

finally back after a long long time in taiwan..
we were really lucky to get introduced to the place sooo throughly, we actually had to climb the numerous moutains to enjoy the scenery. feed some mozzies along the way and not to mention, freezing our asses off at night.
its amazing how we managed to pull through all the gruellin missions.. requiring you to wake at lyk inhuman hours, eg 2am, and start marchin to the objective only 14km away.. fight up the moutain,then march 16km back nedin to cross another moutain along the way. walk walk walk walk.. walkin took up more time than wadeva time we had to rest. not that i'm complainin or wad, but it just seems insane that we did all of that.

exercise longstride was a memoriable one. basically this is a navigation exercise requiring us to find multiple checkpoints over a stretch of lyk 4 days. during this ex, beautiful sunsets were watched atop moutains. friends were made. our physical and mental endurance were pushed to the limits and tested. in addition, it's the first time i ever encountered a total stranger who's willin to give all of himself to help someone else in need. someone who's willing to go that extra mile beyond giving directions. i tink he showed me that there's really some people still out there, who haven't been consumed by the coldness of this world. it's them who continue to keep this place warm.

exercise warrior, another 7 day field camp was held a day after we got back to camp from ex. longstride. as mentioned earlier, the time of the walks and the duration of the marches made us shagged even before the fire fight has begun. craziness i say. over 80 km walked ? it was during this ex that i witnessed myself goin berserk and lose control i would say. everyone was worked up and tired and i guess that didn't help any of us. tension was high, even amongst the commanders. but everything worked out for the better ultimately i guess, sooo we manged to pull through it without havin much casualties.

and finally R&R. probably the most funn after longstride. it was just shoppin and eating and sleepin and everything. walk around and for once, be happy getting lost. everything was good. everything was nice.everything looked fresh to me. nice weather greeted us every morning. the whole trip was just an incredible and memoriable one. one which, i believe, bonded us all together. the knowledge that everyone was there for one another. is just beautiful.

overturned @ 2:21 AM

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Clock time is our bank manager, tax collector, police inspector;

the inner time is our wife.


-J.B. Priestley.

overturned @ 10:07 PM

Sunday, September 16, 2007

can't survive.

overturned @ 6:06 PM

Sunday, July 08, 2007

2 cousins of mine officially had their weddin yesterday. or pseudo weddin where they just sign the papers in front of witnesses. anyway, it's damn cool lyk, 07/07/07. at botanic gardens was where one of them was held. and the reception was super unique, lyk a pinic sorta style. anyway, my main pt is when i left for the toilet not too far away. i saw thi lil girl throwin a ball down a slope and didn't want her chasin after it. so being the nice me, decided to get it for her. and before i knew it, i became her playin partner. yuppps. she was DAMN cute, blonde hair and blue eyes, 18 mths old. so i'v decided. when i do finally get married. i want a daughter mann. ann sons of course =)

let's chase cars.

overturned @ 8:18 PM

Sunday, June 24, 2007

whenever i book in, there's this poster i like best. on it says,
"the mud on my face is soil, our soil"

overturned @ 9:31 PM

Thursday, June 21, 2007

julang.se di ya. se nan di ri.
rusou hormat
3SG Lang, 3SG Zasir and Alvin.

my bud, Albany. note 1SG Terence. i think he's the best. one of the emo shots he wanted me to take of him. doesn't loook too emo tho.3SG Sham.
LTA FOO. relief PC for 2LTA DZUL, who left us to take up post at 2SIR.jiaqi.
danny and i. couldn't find des sadly.
one of the many many pics i took that day.Mohawk Coy, Platoon 1, Section 4.

overturned @ 12:17 AM

Sunday, June 10, 2007

would you be there?
If i needed you so desperately
To come to me and talk to me
To take my heart and hand into your comfort zone
Where i'm not alone or lonely
Well would you take the time to be my friend
Cause in the end that's all there is
There's love the eternal bond between us
Would you be there
When the lights are down low and i'm feeliong insecure
With this bed so big and cold only memories to hold
It's your voice i need to hear to help me overcome this fear
I need your hand to help my heart from sinking into this quicksand of love
If i told you that i couldn't bear to be alone
Would you be there
And if i said i need your heart to be my home
Would you let me stay there
Would you be there for me
Can't you seeI need you and you need me tonight
Close your eyes
I've got so much love to give to you

overturned @ 3:55 PM

Thursday, May 31, 2007

field camp's over, so's sit test. a lil more to go and it's POP lo !!
haven't got too much to talk abt, other than the experiences of sit test. well it's not soo much abt the activities, but rather those special moments when time seemed to have stopped and i can go on sittin there for the rest of my life. so here goes. these few days, the moon was rather full and round, so down shines the moon, onto the open field. as i lie on the grass and stare at the sky, the stars and their patterns start to take shape. and to see the whole sky glistening with stars, woah. seriously, for that few minutes, you can really rest in peace.

i wished you were there with me.
where'd you go?

overturned @ 12:00 AM

Sunday, May 06, 2007

haven't been ard for sometime. anyways exciting stuff's gonna happen. this my timetable for at least the next wk.
Mon: live range
Tues: live range again
Wed: IPPT mock
Thurs: Individual Field Craft
Fri: Individual Field Craft again
Sat: Field CAMPPP !!!!!!!!

yuppp... exciting exciting
got confined for some stupid reason. missing washer. kk. not that stupid, but the thing is, i didn't lose it. before the mid-term arms inspection, i'm 100% sure that the washer was there. and after that when it was sent back to the armskote, missing. hooray. yuppp. even tho all the commanders knew it wasn't our fault, they needed someone to take responsibility for it. and since it was our rifle, we got it.(to save trouble cos if they were to let us go, they would have needed to write many many reports and i'm guessing they didn't wanna do that.) oh guess what !! 8 washers went missing at the same time. damn irritating. anyway, there wasn't anything they could do for us. *sometime later in the company office* my friend was in there getting some stuff and over heard the commanders talkin, sayin how it wasn't our fault, but they needed someone to take the blame and conveniently placed it on us. Besides that, they hav alr indented the food and that's the main reason why they couldn't change the punishment to anything else. irritating mannnn !!!!!!!!! thanks alot CSM.

overturned @ 6:33 PM

Friday, April 06, 2007

there's a point in time when all boys grow up and undertake the responsibility of defending their country and to ensure that their loved ones are safe. that's where they are put through the gruelling training, day, after day, after day. did i mention, before all of that happening stuff, they will lose all their hair ??

Got MILK??
Got HAIR??

spartans, prepare your breakfast and eat hearty. for tonight, we dine in hell.

overturned @ 10:17 PM

Monday, April 02, 2007

Mr April.

overturned @ 1:28 AM

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

(Pang Sai Gor Pia)

overturned @ 1:04 PM

Saturday, March 24, 2007

overturned @ 1:57 PM